The Multimedia Quality of Experience Research Lab (MUEXlab) is a research lab at the Department of Telecommunications, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb. The lab conducts multidisciplinary research in the areas of User Experience (UX) and Quality of Experience (QoE) modeling and management of advanced multimedia services, such as multiparty audiovisual communications, video streaming, virtual/augmented reality, and networked games.
The Multimedia Quality of Experience Research Lab (MUEXlab).
We started work on a new project as of December 1st 2022.: EPIIC: Enhanced Pilot Interfaces & Interactions for fighter Cockpit (Napredna pilotska sučelja i interakcije za kabinu borbenog zrakoplova), European defense fund 2021., in coopeartion with 25 European companies and universities and coordinated by Thales AVS, France SAS.