The Multimedia Quality of Experience Research Lab (MUEXlab) is a research lab within the NetMedia group, Department of Telecommunications, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb. The lab conducts multidisciplinary research in the areas of User Experience (UX) and Quality of Experience (QoE) modeling and management of advanced multimedia services, such as multiparty audiovisual communications, video streaming, virtual/augmented reality, and networked games.

New project - ARIEN: Power...

New project started as of Sept. 1st : ARIEN: Power infrustructrure management using collaboration techniques in Augmented Reality (Upravljanje energetskom infrastrukturom kroz kolaboraciju u proširenoj stvarnosti), 2018-2020, Europski fond za regionalni razvoj, IRI project, in cooperation with the company Diversitas IT sustavi d.o.o..

Author: Mirko Sužnjević
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